The Knight Joust is a team event where each player takes command of a single Imperial Knight Titan and pilots it to death or glory!
- Saturday, May 24th.
- Start: 8:00pm
- Finish: When one knight surveys the field of battles, and sees no survivors (around 10:00)
- Tickets: $10 each
Knight Guidelines:
- Bring one of the following:
- One model with the IMPERIAL KNIGHTS and TITANIC keywords under 500 points.
- One model with the CHAOS KNIGHTS and TITANIC keywords under 500 points.
- Two models with the IMPERIAL KNIGHTS and ARMIGER CLASS keywords.
- Two models with the CHAOS KNIGHTS and WAR DOG keywords.
- All models should be fully painted. Unpainted Knights instantaneously explode apocalyptically when placed in the arena, doing 6 Mortal Wounds to all friendly units within 12 inches!
- All players will be initially grouped into random teams.
- Each team will play another team in the arena with the winning team members advancing into the next round of combat!
- Teams will be reconfigured until only two Knights remain, and of them, one is left standing to be crowned the King of Knights!
- Each battle is to the death! There are no mission objectives!